Child and Adolescent care
Adolescence is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. It has its own beauty and confusions. Adjustment difficulties, values, differences, power, boundary negotiation, struggle for freedom, conduct disturbances, impulsive behaviors, distorted anatomy, socially deviant behaviors, depression and anxiety are common in this age group.
Parents of the adolescence also equally exhibit emotional disturbances due to the adolescent adjustment crisis. Both parents and children may need help to handle this period of storm and stress
Learning Disability
Some children have adequate intelligence and social skills but may not do well particularly in academics. These children may have learning disability. For example: Dyslexia, Dsygraphia, Dyscalculia, etc.
Mental Retardation
Due to varied reasons, children may have intellectual deficits and cannot perform as well as other children of the same age group in areas relating to academic, self help and other adaptive function. These children are said to have intellectual disability, or in other words mental retardation. Level of intellectual deficit is measured using an intelligence test and is expressed in terms of intelligence quotient {IQ}. Intellectual deficit may range from mild to profound and their level of skill acquisition will vary accordingly.
Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Some children are born with significant impairment in communication, behavior skills and socialization. They need not necessarily be mentally retarded but at the same time may not develop adequate skills. A variety of disorders are observed in this category including Autism, Autism spectrum disorders, Aspergers, Rett’s Syndrome and Childhood Disintegrative disorder.
Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder
Some children have inattentiveness, hyper activity, impulsive behavior, making it difficult for parents/teachers to control them. This will have impact in their socialization and learning activities.
Behavioral and emotional problems
Separation anxiety, school avoidance, sibling rivalry, dissociative disorders, Oppositional- defiance disorders and conduct disorders.